The tamale recipe that follows took 2 days to prepare. Thus, I will spare you the paring, soaking boiling and straining of the dried corn kernels and will recommend using store bought Maseca, or Masa, found in the flour section of you grocery store. Just follow instructions on the bag.
Banana leaves
masa mix (for this you will need water or broth, 1 tsp. baking powder, 2/3 cup lard or crisco, 1/2 tsp. salt)
1 lb. partially cooked pork roast
1 lb. chicken pieces complete with bones
3 sliced potatoes
3 sliced carrots
string, twine or banana leaf vein
Begin by harvesting a dozen large banana leaves. Then, carefully draw them over a wood fire. Passing the leaves over the flame should soften the leaves without charring them. Any soot is to be wiped off with a damp cloth. Lay out 2 or 3 torn or cut sections of banana leaves (apx. 8 to 12 inch rectangles or squares). Overlap the pieces and get ready to fill.
On the center of the banana leaves place a large dollop of masa, a chunk of pork, a piece of uncooked chicken, a few potato slices and a few carrot slices. Add another dollop of masa and the onion salsa mixture. (recipe to follow)
When the filling has been placed, roll the banana leaves lengthwise, as if it were a burrito. Fold one end up, then hold with the folded end on the table while tapping the ingredients down. Fold top end down to make a packet which you will tie with sisal/string/banana leaf vein. Tie 2 packets together.
The packets must be boiled in a huge pot over a wood fire, or on your stove in a huge pot of boiling water. Boil for 2 hours!
After 2 hours, remove from boiling water and set out to cool slightly. Cut the string, open the banana leaves to reveal a wonderfully cooked meal.
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