Nest B-1 total 114 eggs, survival rate 90.35%
103 to sea
10 infertile
1 dead embryo
Nest B-2 total 129 eggs, survival rate 98.4%
103 to sea
24 alive in nest and released
1 dead pipped egg
1 depredated
Nest B-3 total 106 eggs, survival rate 96.2%
102 escaped to sea
4 infertile
Nest B-4 total 113 eggs. survival rate 98.23%
109 escaped to sea
2 alive in nest and released
2 infertile
Nest B-5 total 89 eggs, survival rate 92.1%
82 to sea
7 infertile
Nest B-6 total 101 eggs, survial rate 51.5%
52 to sea
49 infertile
Nest B-7 total 73 eggs
70 to sea
2 drowned in shell
1 infertile
Nest B-8 total eggs 141
136 to sea
1 dead embryo
4 infertile
B-9 due
117 to sea
B-10 due (55 days)9/17
B-11 Inundated by Hurricane Gustav waters survival rate 0%
B-12 Inundated by high waters caused by Hurricane Gustav, 0% survival rate
We have now seen 900 hatchlings to sea. We are shooting for 1,000. With 1 nest remaining, with 120+ eggs, our goal is possible if we manage +90% survival.
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