Results from our first nest (B-1) to hatch this season are; 103 loggerhead sea turtle hatchlings made the trek to the warm Gulf waters, 10 infertile eggs were found during excavation as well as 1 dead embryo, total of 114 eggs laid. Our nest hatched on a darkly clouded night and cameras or bright lights are not allowed.
The photo above was taken during an excavation of a nest at Fort Morgan, where remaining babies in the nest were released at dusk.
Happy birthday Sherry Baby, Happy Birthday to YOU! Not sure how this whole "blog" thing works, but I hope you get these birthday wishes and have a fabulous day! Wish we could celebrate together.
Much peace, Reggie
For all of you looking for a fabulous place to stay, Sea Star Cottage is the place to be. You can wander around in awe at all the wonderful treasures and oustanding friends you make. Surf fishing with Pampano Jerry was the best part of our trip. A sheer delight for all ages. The man can fish and make you laugh at the same time. A truly wonderful experience. We met Sea Turtle volunteers who allowed us to experience a part of nature not many people do. Gulf Shores has become a new home to me. Thanks for all of it. Reg, Sandra & Linda
SHerry I stole your pic of the close up baby loggerhead and set it as my wallpaper. What I wouldn't give to see them in person!
Cindy diva queen
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